Pineto is among the Italian excellences awarded with the Blue Flag!
Great satisfaction for the award of the twenty-first Blue Flag, the nineteenth in a row. Also this year the prestigious award rewards the Municipality of Pineto, its beaches, its inhabitants and, in particular, the categories involved in the local tourism economy who have chosen to invest, respecting the environment, in a place of a unique natural beauty. The Blue Flag is an international recognition, established in 1987, the European Year of the Environment, which is awarded every year in 49 countries, initially only in Europe, more recently also outside Europe, with the support and participation of the two UN agencies: UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) with which the FEE has signed a global partnership protocol recognized by UNESCO as a world leader in environmental education and education for sustainable development . Blue Flag is a voluntary eco-label assigned to seaside tourist resorts that respect criteria relating to sustainable land management. The main objective of this program is to direct the local management policy of numerous coastal towns towards a process of environmental sustainability.
In short, one more reason to visit our beautiful location and our Protected Marine Area “Torre del Cerrano”